My philosophy

Adults and students enjoy learning and retain the information far better when the material comes alive.  Rather than simply reading about the past of various nations, I prefer to show the history through destination learning!

Hi, my name is Kim Chaulk, and I love to share my passion for history with travelers of any age!  I hold a masters degree in education, a bachelors degree in English and history, am working toward my doctorate, and have over fifteen years of experience teaching social studies.  In 2007 I began teaching at a fairly large prep school in Texas.  In addition to my role as the Social Studies Department Chair, Dual Credit/adjunct U.S. History professor, and World Geography teacher, I was tasked to plan and execute the school's fall seventh grade trip, the spring 8th grade trip, and the history-based high school minimester trips.  I began to realize how meaningful experiential learning can be from the first moment I led students through our nation's capital.  The look of wonder in their eyes and expressions of amazement on their faces was far more gratifying to me than anything I'd witnessed in the classroom; it's something that simply can't be replicated. I decided to leave the classroom in May 2018 and focus my attention exclusively on leading individuals through the world's greatest cities; I want to see that look of pure joy and excitement throughout each and every moment of the day.  

I would love to show you the greatest locations on our globe in a manner only a history nerd such as myself can do.  I love to share stories of interesting events and people and do so in a way that's fun and memorable.  Also, I encourage all educators to consider traveling with their students.  There are numerous packages available to meet every budget -- student travel isn't merely relegated to the affluent.  Let me help you create the perfect experience for your class.  I promise you it will be well worth it!

Resume:  About me

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